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Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS)

The world’s leading human resource partnership between industry and academia, and a unique network of corporate partners from the world’s top companies. ILR’s top HR faculty work directly with partners and share new research and applications to create excellence in human resources. Learn more about CAHRS »

Center for Applied Research on Work (CAROW)

CAROW exists to connect research on work with the practice of putting it to use. We support member institutes and affiliated faculty and students in their efforts to take insights about work, labor and employment and share them broadly. We are uniquely placed to seed innovative research that puts academic study into practice. Learn more about CAROW »

Climate Jobs Institute

The Climate Jobs Institute is guiding the nation’s transition to a strong, equitable, and resilient clean energy economy by pursuing three aims: to tackle the climate crisis; to create high-quality jobs; and to build a diverse, inclusive workforce. Learn more about CJI »

Cornell Buffalo Co-Lab

Engages local communities with academics, practitioners, students and extension professionals to make Buffalo a model of regeneration. Learn more about the Buffalo Co-Lab »

Cornell Center for Innovative Hospitality Labor and Employment Relations (CIHLER)

CIHLER is a joint initiative of ILR and the Nolan Hotel School of Hotel Administration. Its mission is to support educational programs, sponsor and disseminate research and hold conferences and roundtables dedicated to modernizing labor and employment relations, analyzing labor and employment law, and improving human resource management and leadership in the hospitality industry. Learn more about CIHLER »

Cornell Ithaca Co-Lab

The ILR Ithaca Co-Lab officially began its work in early 2020. Researchers and students who serve community partners use resources to tackle the challenges of fighting unemployment, winning a living wage and organizing for worker voice in Ithaca and the surrounding region. Learn more about the Ithaca Co-Lab »

Criminal Justice and Employment Initiative

The Criminal Justice and Employment Initiative (CJEI) provides criminal records and employment law training to job seekers who have been involved in the criminal legal system, assists employers in rethinking their approach to hiring, engages in research to study reentry practices, and influences policy makers and legislators on criminal justice reform. Learn more about CJEI »

Global Labor Institute

The Global Labor Institute promotes dialogue between multiple stakeholders in order to find pathways to more sustainable labor practices in global supply chains, particularly in the garment sector. Learn more about GLI »

K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability (YTI)

Advances policies and practices to enhance opportunities for people with disabilities and ensure their full inclusion in the workplace and in communities. YTI is a leading source of research and information on employment and disability for employers, lawmakers, federal and state agencies, and service providers. Learn more about YTI »

Institute for Compensation Studies (ICS)

Interdisciplinary center focused on research, teaching and communicating about monetary and non-monetary rewards from work. ICS provides publications, programs and expert insight to inform and advance practitioner decision making and promote public discourse on compensation issues. Learn more about ICS »

Labor and Employment Law Program (LEL)

Merges law and social science research, providing attorneys, legislators, social scientists, and policymakers with multifaceted perspectives to address contemporary labor and employment law and workplace challenges, and influence litigation and public policy decisions. Special initiatives focus on criminal justice and employment; legal repositories of consent decrees and ADA court cases and settlement agreements; and forums addressing emerging legal issues. Learn more about the Labor and Employment Law Program »

Labor Dynamics Institute (LDI)

Creates and makes accessible data on the dynamics of labor markets for research networks and statistical agencies. LDI’s work informs policymakers, researchers and educators, and includes partnerships with key organizations including the U.S. Census Bureau and the National Science Foundation. Learn more about LDI »

Martin and Laurie Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution

The only institute of its kind providing undergraduate and graduate education and interdisciplinary research focused on conflict resolution in the workplace. The institute offers training programs on dispute resolution for practitioners, advocates and professional neutrals, nationwide. Learn more about Scheinman »

R. Brinkley Smithers Institute for Alcohol-Related Workplace Studies

Research institute dedicated to advancing knowledge of alcohol, drug and health issues in the workplace. The Smithers Institute advocates that the workplace is a critical arena for prevention, intervention and treatment of alcohol-related problems. Learn more about Smithers »

Worker Institute at Cornell

Provides research, education and a forum for public discourse on worker rights and collective representation. The institute promotes innovative thinking to inform policy reform and leads initiatives focusing on strategic leadership: international collective action; equity at work; labor, the environment and sustainable development; and precarious work. Learn more about the Worker Institute »

Workplace Inclusion and Diversity Education

ILR WIDE is a new platform for diversity and inclusion education: bringing together research, teaching, and organizational practices. This collaborative space creates opportunities for scholars to work alongside teaching specialists, students and organizations. Learn more about ILR WIDE »